The Palatine Hill Tour & Eiffel Tower Tickets: How to Experience Your City Like a Tourist


Exploring iconic landmarks like Rome’s Palatine Hill and Paris’s Eiffel Tower is often at the top of every traveler’s list, but how often do locals take the time to enjoy these treasures in their own cities? Whether you live near these iconic landmarks or in another city with its own historical sites, there’s a unique joy in exploring your hometown like a tourist. This guide will show you how to make the most of your city’s famous attractions and hidden gems by experiencing them with fresh eyes, just as a tourist would.

1. Discovering Your City with a Tourist’s Mindset

It’s easy to take local landmarks for granted when you see them every day. However, approaching your city with the curiosity of a tourist can unveil a whole new world of experiences. Start by researching your city’s top attractions as if you were planning a vacation. Look up guided tours, special exhibitions, and seasonal events that you might not have considered before. By embracing the excitement and wonder of a visitor, you’ll be surprised at how much there is to discover right in your backyard.

2. Explore the Palatine Hill or Your Local Historic Sites

For those in Rome, the Palatine Hill is a Palatine Hill Tour must-see destination that offers a captivating journey through ancient history. Even if you’ve visited before, there’s always something new to learn from its ruins, gardens, and spectacular views over the Roman Forum. Consider taking a guided tour, which can provide fascinating insights into the legends and history of the hill, from the founding myths of Rome to the lives of emperors who once called it home.

If you’re not in Rome, seek out similar historic sites in your own city. Many places have ancient ruins, historic buildings, or significant landmarks that tell the story of the past. Visiting these sites with a guide or participating in a reenactment event can bring the history of your city to life in a way that simply passing by never will.

3. Experience the Eiffel Tower or Local Icons in a New Light

The Eiffel Tower is one of the world’s most recognized structures, and it’s easy to see why tourists flock to it in droves. If you live in Paris, or if your city has its own iconic landmark, take the time to appreciate it from a fresh perspective. Consider booking tickets for a different time of day than usual, such as early morning or late at night, to enjoy a quieter, more atmospheric experience. You might also explore nearby locations that offer unique views, such as rooftop cafes or scenic parks.

For example, in Paris, heading to the top of the Arc de Triomphe or taking a river cruise on the Seine offers stunning perspectives of the Eiffel Tower that many locals rarely take the time to enjoy. If your city has a famous structure or viewpoint, seek out these alternative ways to admire it.

4. Take a Guided Tour to Learn Something New

Guided tours aren’t just for tourists—they can be incredibly enlightening for locals as well. Tours led by knowledgeable guides often reveal stories, facts, and secrets about your city that you might never discover on your own. From walking tours focused on architecture or food to bike rides through historic neighborhoods, there’s a wide array of options that can cater to your interests.

For instance, even lifelong Parisians might learn something new on a themed tour of the city’s hidden courtyards or street art. Similarly, Romans might gain fresh insights from a specialized tour of the lesser-known areas of Palatine Hill. Check for special tours that might be available only during certain seasons or events.

5. Savor Local Flavors with a Tourist’s Appetite

Food is a central part of the travel experience, and you can indulge in your city’s culinary offerings just as a tourist would. Instead of dining at your usual spots, seek out highly rated restaurants that cater to travelers, or try local specialties at markets and food stalls. For example, in Rome, you might join a food tour that includes tastings of classic dishes like carbonara or gelato from some of the city’s most beloved eateries.

In Paris, a visit to Rue Cler or a picnic in view of the Eiffel Tower with fresh baguettes, cheeses, and pastries can make you feel like you’re seeing your city in a new light. Exploring local food and drink tours can also provide a deeper appreciation for your hometown’s culinary scene.

6. Embrace Cultural Experiences and Local Art

Many cities are rich with cultural offerings that locals often overlook. From art exhibitions and theater performances to street festivals and live music, there’s no shortage of ways to immerse yourself in the cultural life of your city. Seek out events and venues that you’ve never visited before or that you might typically think of as tourist attractions.

For example, Parisians might visit the Musée du Quai Branly to explore art from non-Western cultures, or Romans might attend a classical concert in an ancient basilica. These experiences can add a new dimension to your understanding of your city’s cultural landscape.

7. Explore Hidden Gems and Lesser-Known Attractions

Beyond the major attractions, every city has hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Take the time to explore lesser-known sites, such as small museums, quiet parks, unique shops, and historic neighborhoods that are off the beaten path. Resources like local blogs, social media, and tourism websites can be great sources of inspiration for finding these spots.

In Paris, this might mean visiting the secret gardens of the Petit Palais or exploring the charming alleys of Montmartre. In Rome, it could involve discovering the mosaics of Santa Maria in Trastevere or wandering through the ancient streets of the Jewish Ghetto. No matter where you live, there are always new corners of your city to uncover.


Experiencing your city like a tourist can be a refreshing way to reconnect with the place you call home. By approaching local landmarks, attractions, and experiences with the enthusiasm and curiosity of a visitor, you can rediscover the charm and wonder of your own surroundings. Whether you’re exploring the grandeur of Palatine Hill, admiring the Eiffel Tower, or finding joy in your hometown’s unique offerings, there’s always something new to discover when you look at your city through a tourist’s eyes. So grab a camera, book a tour, and set off on an adventure—your city is waiting to be explored.

Introduction Exploring iconic landmarks like Rome’s Palatine Hill and Paris’s Eiffel Tower is often at the top of every traveler’s list, but how often do locals take the time to enjoy these treasures in their own cities? Whether you live near these iconic landmarks or in another city with its own historical sites, there’s a…

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